Constitution & Bylaws
Constitution & Bylaws
Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America
Arizona Chapter BYLAWS
Association of Pakistani Physicians of North America, Arizona Chapter, thereafter referred to as APPA, is the Arizona arm of the Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America thereafter referred to as APPNA, which is a national organization. APPA is governed by the constitution of APPNA and operates by charter from this national organization.
Goals and Objectives
- To support medical education and research.
- To form a peer group for support and career development of physicians of Pakistani origin in Arizona.
- To facilitate better understanding and relations amongst Pakistani physicians and people of Arizona.
- To institute mechanisms for cooperation with other medical organizations in Arizona.
- To help in the orientation and adjustment of medical students and medical school graduates from Pakistan entering the US medical system in Arizona by a variety of manners, including development of a mentoring program.
- To cooperate with medical schools and hospitals in Pakistan in ongoing continuing medical education by arranging lecture tours, conferences and workshops.
- To participate in medical relief and other charitable activities both in Pakistan and in North America.
Chapter 1
Section 1
- Any medical graduate (medicine or dentistry) of Pakistani origin resident of Arizona for at least six months can join APPA. There shall be no discrimination on the basis of religion, sex or race.
Section 2
- Full Members – To be eligible for active membership of the Arizona Chapter, a physician must be a full member of APPNA, the national organization. Arizona Chapter Executive Council members must be full APPNA members.
- Associate Members – These members will have all the privileges except the right to hold office. APPA may admit to membership physicians in training and physicians who have a temporary license to practice medicine in the Arizona State. Pakistani Physicians who reside Arizona but are not a member of APPNA, the national organization, may also
- become Associate Members. Non-Pakistani physicians are eligible for Associate Membership.
- Retired Members- who are no longer in active practice of medicine, will continue to remain eligible for full membership.
Section 3
General Organization and Structure –
General body shall consist of full, associate, courtesy and honorary members of association. This will be the supreme authority of the association for the conduct of affairs. All actions taken by any officer, board or committee of the association may be approved, rejected by this body.
- The officers of the Association shall be the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past President.
- Executive Council will be the legislative body of the association and will consist of the officers of the association (President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President) as well as one member at large each from Kingman, Tucson, Yuma, Greater Phoenix, one from the combined Rural Areas, as well as a member-in-training Arizona (total of 10). The members for this Council will be selected for a one-year term. This council will approve the time and place of the meetings, the membership dues, create and authorize committees and control the finances of the organization. The Executive Council shall nominate the Board of Trustees.
Chapter 2
Section 1
- Funds for the meetings and expenses of the association activities shall be financed by annual dues, special and voluntary contributions. The financial status of the association will be presented by the treasurer to the general body in the annual spring meeting and sent to the treasurer of APPNA. All monies of the association will be banked and kept with the parent organization, APPNA accounts and accountant. The annual dues shall be $25.
Section 2
- Members of APPA shall pay such dues and assessments as shall from time to time, be determined by the executive board. Physicians in training are exempt from membership dues.
Section 3
- Arrears/Suspensions – Any member, whose dues are not paid by March 31st, will be considered in arrears. If in arrears in the payment of dues or assessments to APPA one month after notification (if no extension of time for payment has been granted by Secretary and Treasurer, or upon expiration of any extension that may have been granted) shall be suspended from current membership until all sums in arrears have been paid.
Chapter 3
Section 1
- Determination of time and place – There will be at least two meetings every year. During each session, APPA may hold any number of general meetings. The number and time of these meetings shall be determined either by the members present in the prior meeting or the executive board. The membership may direct the officers and board to appoint committees for scientific, cultural and social activities. General Meetings shall be presided over by the President, or in his/her absence, by the Secretary, in his/her absence by the Treasurer or by the Immediate Past President. There will be a minimum of three executive board meetings yearly.
Section 2
- Quorum – presence of at least 25% paying members of APPA shall constitute the quorum of the general body. A simple majority of those present shall be required for adoption of a resolution or direct action. For executive council, 50% of its members will constitute a quorum.
Chapter 4
Section 1
Term of Office – Officers shall take office January 1st after the election. All officers shall serve until their respective successors have been elected. Election of President, Secretary, and Treasurer will be held at the fall meeting. Immediate past president will remain active in an advisory capacity in the first year post his/her term of office.
Section 2
President – The president shall be the general executive officer of APPA. He/she will serve a term of office for one year and for no more than two consecutive terms. He/she shall
- Preside at executive board and general body meetings.
- Appoint necessary committees when so needed.
- Perform such other duties as are imposed upon him/her by the bylaws.
- Send out all official notices of meetings, committee appointments, and certificates of election of offices and other special assignments.
- Institute and correlate each new activity of APPA.
Section 3
Secretary – The Secretary shall be an active member of the association. He/she will serve a term of office for one year and for no more than two consecutive terms. He/she shall
- Be the recording officer of the general body.
- Supervise all arrangements for the holding of each meeting in compliance of the bylaws.
- Perform such other duties as are imposed by the bylaws.
Section 4
Treasurer – The Treasurer shall be an active member of the association. He/she will serve a term of office for one year and for no more than two consecutive terms. He/she shall
- Act as a custodian of all the invested funds and securities of APPA and collect all annual membership dues, assessments, donations and such monies as may be due to APPA.
- Keep membership records and encourage new memberships.
- Deposit all funds received in an approved depository. He/she may also disburse funds necessary to carry out the functions of the office of the President and Secretary/Treasurer up to a limit of $200.00 without prior approval.
- Shall present the annual report of the Treasurer in the fall meeting of APPA.
Chapter 5
The President with the advice of executive council shall appoint standing committees of APPA. The composition and the duties thereof shall be mentioned there in. The Committees shall be:
- Membership Drive Committee
- Social Action Committee
- Youth Action Committee
- Any other committee deemed necessary by the President, the executive council or the general body.
Chapter 6
Section 1
Nomination – Nominations can be proposed and seconded by at least two paying members of the general body at the meeting prior to the termination of the office term. The person proposing and the nominee shall both be present in that meeting. Only the paying members present shall cast the ballot. This will be an open ballot however upon approval of majority of members a member present may request a secret ballot. A simple majority shall rule. The members at large will be nominated and elected by the members from their geographical area by a simple majority. Nominations and votes can be cast by mail-in ballot. The mail-ballots must be postmarked 30 days before the election deadline and must be received 7 days before the election deadline. The candidate or their representative must be present for the validation of the election results. If neither is present, the candidate forfeits the right to challenge the election results.
Chapter 7
Section 1
- An office of APPA shall be declared vacant by the President when an officer resigns, leaves the Arizona State for a period of longer than three months without prior arrangements or becomes unable to carry out the duties of the office for reasons of health or otherwise or after a vote of no confidence from the general body.
Section 1
- In the above cited case, the office of the person resigning shall be assumed by another office bearer until next general body meeting when a new candidate for that office will be nominated and elected to carry on the duties until the term is completed. In case that the President and Secretary both resign or leave at the same time, the President will appoint an interim Secretary who will also carry on the duties of the office of President until the next general body meeting when office for both posts will be nominated and elected for that term.
Chapter 8
Section 1
- Referendum at APPA Meeting – At any general meeting of APPA, the general body shall, by two-third majority vote of the full members present, order a general referendum upon any question pertinent to the purpose and objective of APPA, including a vote of no confidence. There will be no proxy voting allowed.
Section 2
- The general meeting of APPA can be called for, earlier than the scheduled time to deal with unexpected situations or for a specific purpose, as needs arise.
Chapter 9
- When prompt speech or action is imperative, authority to speak or act in the name of APPA is vested in the President. If unavailable, Secretary or Treasurer shall do the same.
Chapter 10
- These bylaws may be amended by proposal from any member in general body meeting to the executive board, which will analyze and recommend an amendment for presentation at the next meeting. Voting will take place upon this after discussion. It so voted by two third majority; the amendments to these bylaws shall become effective immediately upon adoption.